- MindPOP, together with the Creative Classroom Fund, has released its listing of 2015-2016 grants recipients and Roots & Rhythms, in partnership with Houston Elementary, has just been awarded funding to bring a monthly African dance workshop series, absolutely free of charge to the Dove Springs Community.
- In 2015, Roots & Rhythms was featured on KLRU Austin PBS, and received a write up in Austin Monthly Magazine's April education special edition!!
What is Roots & Rhythms?
Roots & Rhythms is a cultural arts and music education program fostering positive ties to local communities. Founded in 2008, the program now serves students at Houston and Rodriguez Elementary Schools, as well as offering a variety of workshops, classes, and special performances around the city.
Roots & Rhythms Students:
Current and Past Workshop Locations
To find out more about the program, please visit the official Roots & Rhythms website, or find more Roots & Rhythms videos on the gallery page of this website. If you would like to keep up to date on classes, workshops, and drum facilitation, you can follow us on Twitter, or on the Facebook Roots & Rhythms page by clicking on the buttons above in the navigation bar, and please don't forget to "like" us!